I love to draw! Over the years I took several classes, but am now pretty rusty. Mostly I do pencil sketches, but occasionally I do full drawings in pencil or color pencil.
I also like painting, though I am even rustier there – it takes a lot of space, time and effort to painting. Back in the early 2000s I did carve out a space in my house for a small “studio”, but the paints have been packed away for a long time. Eventually I will get them back out.
What I do more often these days is “paint” on the computer. I typically start with a pencil drawing that I scan in. I then colorize it. Sometimes I “create”, that is, add details, change shapes, etc. I also occasionally start with a photo instead of drawing. In the gallery below, there is one piece that started as a photo. If you can’t guess, it is the blue guy with the sword, which was a mock up I did for the cover of my book “The Fireborn” (A professional artist did the final cover).
A lot of the images below have been on my blog. In fact, many of them were created for the blog. Besides the “edited photo”, there are straight up drawings, color pencil drawings, chalk, pastel, water color, pen drawings, paintings and computer colorized drawings. (For figure drawing (nudes), see here.)
You can click on the pictures below to show more detail. I hope you enjoy!